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October 14, 2006

If you aren't appalled, you aren't paying attention.

I don't know how to be a good. I only know how to be myself. And myself, I am a troublesome lass at times. For instance, I am going to Bab5 and participating in fine back rubs from the young and geeky. It's the conversation that gets to me. How I miss my old alpha-geeky friends and dinner party compadres.

For instance, my questions about Ping the (other) storybook of course got the expected, "Someone wrote an allegory about ping, and packet handling," and of course that review has been posted to Amazon.com itself for so long...

On hearing about Reviled Rep. Child-Molestor Foley, being given a D-Dem instead of R-Rep tag on FOX "News"... the predominant reaction is, huh.

Is this a blog entry? Enough. ENOUGH!
If you aren't appalled, you aren't paying attention.

October 12, 2006

Anew Entry

I guess I have to write anew entry, or the front page stays blank. Okay let it be this, then.

I am a writer, but a writer in a dead-bored-tedium-doldrums stage. I constantly read "The Unstrung Harp". Of course out here in California everyone consults with therapists, so I go see a therapist who eventually unveils her grande plan for me: Therapy 4x a week at $150/pop. "How long?" I gasp. "The minimum length of time I've heard of, for analysis... oh, maybe 2 years." TWO YEARS? I started thinking of all the great things I could do for myself for $150/day, four days a week, for two years. Massages! Gourmet food! Seeing this woman's face was pretty close to the bottom of the list.

Or not seeing her face, because she has been trying to get me to
LIE ON A COUCH. What a nutcake.

So I mull it over, and I decide to hire a Cal student (UC Berkeley) to help me. She
gets to the office at 10-11AM, and the office is my house, so I find
myself getting dressed and doing work, just to give her something to
do! I'm paying her $15/hour, and her last job was $10, so she's quite pleased!

But today she's sick, so I'm goofing off and writing in my blog instead.