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September 30, 2008

Cloud Computing.

I bought an iPhone.

During the registration process I was encouraged to "Get 20 gigabytes to store information in the cloud."

in the cloud?!! Recently viewed a youTube video in which about 20 noted computer scientists were asked the question, "What is cloud computing?" Each one gave a different answer. It was clear that cloud computing is a nebulous construct, a buzz word, a mu.

And here, Apple / AT&T are offering to store my information "in the cloud." I laughed out loud. Sometimes that's the only option. Laugh or go mad.

Cloud computing, coming soon to an atmosphere near you.

Dating: Chapter 3

Tonight I met David, who overruled his better judgment when he arranged the meeting. You see, the SCA is a problem for him. His wife's obsession with getting awards in the SCA was part of the conflict between them. First she got a Pelican, then she wanted a Laurel. She eventually got a Laurel in Hats. (But she's not "the" Hat Laurel.) She devoted her time and energy to SCA pursuits, instead of getting a job. So when David saw "Renaissance Dancing" in my profile, he was reluctant.

"I'm not in the SCA, I just dance."
I am technically a card-carrying member of the SCA, but only because of the steep discount that applies to my annual 2 weeks of dancing at Pennsic.

We laughed at the terminology used in the SCA. "I'm from Caid." "I live in Atenveldt." Where's that?! Cults need their jargon. When the lady married David, she was chided for marrying outside the faith. They call an SCA/mundane marriage a mixed marriage. The SCA thing is humorous. I know a Jewish SCAdian who said of her husband, "It was easier to get a SCAdian to convert to Judaism, than to get a Jew to become SCAdian."

David is a tenured economics professor on a 2-year sabbatical from the University of Arizona at Tucson, working in the Yahoo! think tank. Brick and mortar stores have customer lists, and some of these customers login to Yahoo!. This research project shows targeted adverts to half of the intersection of customers. People who see ads (prelim results) spend 76% more money in the brick and mortar stores.


Marketing. Not just an arms race. It works.

Here's the funny date story: David asked me, "Do you have cooties?"

In context it was appropriate. I asked him if he wanted to taste my soup before I put my spoon in it, before it got cooties. Do I have cooties? I suppose I have my share, but no more.

There really are no funny David stories. I would have to exaggerate quite a lot to come up with one. He was kind, and thoughtful. He was intelligent, in touch with his emotions, interested in the meta subject of communication. He was very sweet. I found him easy on the eyes. If there was any flaw, it was that he was still in love with his "spring sweetie." As I am still in love with my ex, I could sympathize.

He was a man I might grow to love. But I am already besotted with someone else. My feelings for Greg are delicious but suspicious. It would be less scary to become involved with a man like David who did not overwhelm my senses.

I gave him a book, a hug, OK fine I even gave him a kiss, and sent him on his way. Sweet David could not stop thanking me for walking with my arm around him, for cuddling him a bit. He so much needs to be touched. I would like to pull him into my circle of friends, give him a place to be loved, for the year that he will be in California. Once he heals a bit, he will be an excellent catch for someone.

David. A fine dinner. Good friend material.

Greg Squared, he too is good friend material. Knowing him may be the encouragement I need to go back to grad school. I would love to talk with him about any number of subjects, and persuade him to let me read his Cerebus, just a few issues at a time.

Ah. It is good to be alive.

September 28, 2008

My tooth fell out on my date last night. How embarrassing!

I am happy to report that our date was very happy. Redwoods, a kiss in the old Honeymoon Suite, deer, random thoughts, and peculiarly delicious dinner. I won't even tell you about gaming and Firefly, the adolescent raccoon, and Pulp Fiction at midnight.

My tooth fell out on my date last night. How embarrassing!

I found out that Patri went to Greg's Alma Mater, and that Greg's Erdos number is two! Mine is still something like six, I can't remember. Yes, sleeping counts as much as publication. I don't think we know anyone else in common, although gaming connections possibly exist. We were probably at ComiCon together once or twice.

There is a R(5,5) graph problem, whose answer is unknown, but it is thought to be knowable. If aliens were going to wipe out humanity in one year unless we come up with a solution, Erdos says we should devote all of humanity's resources to the project. R(6,6) is another matter. Erdos says, "Pool humanity's resources... and try to build a space ship."

Erdos' epitaph? "I've finally stopped getting dumber."

It was a long night. I am going to take a nap.

September 26, 2008

Dating: Chapter 2

'm sick. Summer cold. Cough. Blow.

I am already bored with online dating.

Except for a very very very exciting event. I do look forward to a hike and board games with a long-haired comic book math geek, a PhD student who draws people, and is shy! Oy! He writes the most wonderful letters. He has such beautiful eyes and lips. His hair is out of control gorgeous. I want to touch him. I want to listen to him. Saturday 4pm, we start hiking, and spend as many hours together as our interests allow. I hope he is eccentric. I hope I like him.

Long Hair Math Geek's name? ... Greg.

Turned down a date with medieval.org Married Guy. I can't waste time on nonsense like that. Coming attractions: Coffee this afternoon with someone who is intelligent and informed, but not very interactive. Probably a Social Misfit kind of geek. Next week lunch with overly persuasive Three Kids Guy. I dunno, maybe I'll cancel that one.

Already tired of online dating.

Ed called me. Who is Ed? Apparently I gave him my number. He was wrangling three children as we talked. He sells cars, and writes complicated unpublished novels. ("What, Johnny, who is hitting who?") I wonder, who is this Ed? Looked through the mail box. Ed? I have no idea. He seemed ordinary. Nice ordinary, but still. ("Hang on... we're crossing the street. OK guys, go play!") I hung up in bewilderment, as my dozing brain came back to life. Bad manners! I hate when I do that.

[Edited to add, of course he's overly persuasive, doh! He's a CAR SALESMAN. Cancel that date.]

Cough. I am sick. And tired, and bored with online dating.

Trees, Dating, Summer Cold

Cough. I am sick. And tired, and bored with online dating.

The tree guys, oh shit I made a bad decision AGAIN based on warm fuzzies for itinerant white people. They remind me of my grandfather, or of my Papa. They come to the door and ask to clean the gutters. They ask to paint the house. They say they are electricians. They want to trim the trees.

They want to trim the trees and, sick and tired as I am, I allow this. Now the magestic old maple tree in my backyard is BUTCHERED. The debris haul-away was an argument. The stump is still standing. There is random crap on the sidewalk. Guy #2 came back after Guy #1 took the check and whined, "Aww sh... now he won't pay me." I slam the door in his face. After thinking the matter over, I cancel the check. I don't know what to do! Pay each half? I never want the doorbell to ring again.

"Stupid stupid rat things."

Sigh. That long-hair comic book guy is dreamy. I want to sit in his office and read comics. I want to curl up in bed and listen as he brushes his teeth. I want to tell him stories, read next to him, and fall asleep with my head on his pillow. I know it's silly!

Silly girl.

September 23, 2008

Dating: Chapter 1

Dating: J-licious

My date last night spent over an hour discussing his past history of unresolved polyamorous tribulations. Talk about boring. And also, it's astounding the complications that are caused by numerous people interacting on an intimate level. Good subject matter for a novel of intrigue and despair.

Yes, J-licious fixed something, handyman that he is.

But is that worth the hassle of keeping up with Linda, Jill, the chickens, the jealous boyfriend's husband, the ex-wife who moved in because her name was on the title, the embryos, and so forth?

  • ( _ ) YES
  • ( _ ) NO
  • ( _ ) What kind of chickens?

    Dating: the next prospect (?) moderates medieval.org and has a complicated home life. But not excessively complicated. Just several children and a wife who said, "I'm done with you, you can live here, but go get a girlfriend." Otherwise, other than sleeping with his wife and kids, he is just your average eligible bachelor.

    More to come. No doubt.

  • Embarrassing Revelation.

    I am not a smoker. But I started lighting cigarets and inhaling them. It made me sick! I quit. I quit with every cigarette. Finally I began using a nicotine patch. It's working. Please wish me the best, because I AM NOT A SMOKER.

    September 20, 2008


    It's mushroom season, and the lawn is sprouting with tempting fungi. For safety's sake, I will reuctantly presume that they are inedible.

    Cat has fallen in love with the bottle-green Dupioni silk in the Italian Renaissance dress I am sewing. It was $umpteen per yard, and wrinkles... but every time I bring it out to sew, he crawls onto it and purrs. What can I do? I am enslaved to Hyperbole.

    I started dating on OK Cupid. It is actually entertaining! There are all kinds of profile questions, such as, "You are abducted by aliens. If you can only take one form of entertainment, would it be: Books? Movies? Music? Games?" They award cute personality icons based on your answers, not all of them flattering. So far, I am:

  • More compassionate.
  • More friendly.
  • More independent.
  • More extroverted.
  • Less desiring of love.
  • Less spiritual.

    My first date is tonight, with a musician / handyman . What a catch! We are watching Memento. If he fixes something...

    My longstanding plan is to invite the first man who actually *fixes* something in my old Craftsman to spend the night. When I had no coffee maker, Cin even promised to rush over with her espresso-matic in the morning. <blush> I bought ground coffee at Peet's this morning.

    So far nobody has taken me up on this offer. It's always just talk. "You can fix that thusly." Duh. I don't want an instruction manual, I want me a HANDYMAN.

    Another entry soon, a really important one, and an embarrassing one.