A Wizardry 5 Cheat

This information is for the PC 3-1/2 inch boot disk version of Wizardry 5.

I was able to figure this out with the help of "Taking the Wiz out of ...
Wizardry", by Rob Hall, from Computist, issue No. 40 February 1987,
pp. 23 - 25, which migrated to ftp.apple.asimov.net and thence to
http://www.lava.net/~jh/wizardry/ and I can't remember where I found it.

All numbers prefaced with $ are Hexadecimal.  All others are decimal.
The Hexadecimal numbers $00 through $09 and Decimal numbers 0 through 9
are identical.

The format of the characters is:

$00 - 00 number of letters in characters name
$01 - 01 start of name

$20 - 32 Race
         $01 - Human
         $02 - Elf
         $03 - Dwarf
         $04 - Gnome
         $05 - Hobbit

$22 - 34 Profession
         $00 - Fighter
         $01 - Mage
         $02 - Priest
         $03 - Thief
         $04 - Bishop
         $05 - Samuri
         $06 - Lord
         $07 - Ninja

$24 - 36 Alignment
         $01 - good
         $02 - Neutral
         $03 - Evil

$66 - 102 Current Hit Points
$68 - 104 Maximum Hit Points
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