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August 24, 2006

Overheard at Pennsic...

Pennsic 35
August 2006

Pennsic changed me. As China said, I hear the 60-hz cycle of electricity. People are abrupt out here. We're not rude, so much as rushed. Pennsic OTOH is slow and friendly.

After Mexican dinner, I was invited to Chili dinner, including take-home vegetarian for Greg, then to Spaghetti dinner. This was all on one night, mind you. The Spaghetti inviter said, "But you haven't had brownies yet," with a devilish twinkle, and brownies were in my hands.

I have several fun new dances, to teach when I get up my confidence, or better, if Gregory is there to do it. I'm so forgetful, but I learned dances and danced every day until my legs gave out. It was so fun!

Overheard at Pennsic... my favorite nurse shrieking, "Topical analgesic, topical ANALgesic," and telling us the beauty secret of a tube of Preparation H in your cosmetics case. You smear Prep H under your eye, to reduce "long night puffiness."

"Overheard at Pennsic" is Aurora's phrase, from whom I borrowed it. As Aurora said, you do overhear the darndest things. Aurora lives near a creek and an entrance to the underground world. Stories actally bubble up out of the water. Aurora invited me to visit, and I hope it happens.

Aurora told me to sign books, get some media, and write the travel expenses off on my taxes. Aurora was a wonderful woman, I was happy every time she spoke with me.

Pennsic was cool, I'm glad I went, everyone should go to Pennsic War at least once.

Vacation thoughts. Vacation mode.