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Milkshake Moves In, Hyperbole Dismayed

Hyperbole's worst enemy appeared on Monday. Milkshake was evil that had to be eliminated. Milkshake would be hissed at, warned away, and refused entrance to the household. Rage! Cat rage!

The next few days were tense. I set up fortifications, hostile sides, bedroom vs. apartment. There was a 1" gap between encampments, and pheromone messages and paws were passed between. It was quickly agreed that both cats wanted to be together, but should Hyperbole be allowed to gnaw on Milkshake?

On the first day, there was milk shared.

On the second day, a few licks to the face.

On the third day, Hyperbole joined [cat_edits] cdd z-==b 0- [/cat_edits] Milkshake in a nap. That was the day that they took a long drive to Greg's house.

On the fourth day, Hyperbole and Milkshake slept together with me. But they woke up in the middle of the night fighting (i.e. Milkshake squealing) so I tossed Hyperbole out of the bedroom.

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