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March 29, 2007

The Annoyatron

ThinkGeek had some intriguing toys. The Annoyatron seemed perfect for Vanthana's ex. It's designed to drive your chosen cubicle-dweller slowly mad. It beeps and/or chirrups, with random infrequency that stymies detection. The ears just can't place the location of the infrequent squawks.

It came in the mail, the amazing Annoyatron. I turned it on to inspect its facilities. That was my mistake. Could I locate it? The answer was, disappointingly, Yes. But in the testing phase, I came to love the amazing Annoyatron, with its random, infrequent chirrups and peeps.

I hid it in the tail of Eclipse the Eclipse Skunk.

I loved Clipsie's cute little Annoyatron voice

I thought I should write ThinkGeek a cheery little story about my tale, turned from the brink of becoming a vengeful

Then tragedy befell! The Annoyatron broke. I came out one morning to the sound of bugs being bug-zapped non-stop. Brpppeeeeppeeebreeeppp. Oh poor little Annoyatron! it was jammed on.

I cycled off, cycled on. Nothing. I turned the sound from chirps to beeps, I let it rest, I turned it on again. Nothing fixes it. The Annoyatron is, at its end, rendered Annoying. And broken.

It's sad to lose a virtual buddy.

Maybe ThinkGeek will give me a replacement.

March 24, 2007

Confessions of a Google Day Trader

It didn't feel like day trading, not at first. Weeks or months went by between trades. Vanguard didn't stop me. Doesn't Vanguard have a policy against day trading? I kept expecting them to send me a nasty letter. Instead, Vanguard encouraged me by not charging transaction fees!

It began last May. I bought Google at 375. Soon, it was well over 400! I sold! But then GOOG dipped irresistibly, and I found myself buying at 366. How could I resist?

Buy. Hold 57 days. Sell at a profit!
22 days of freedom.
Buy. Hold 47 days. Sell at a profit!

By this time, Greg was calling me a day trader. But how can it be day trading, when weeks pass between trades? Greg said, "It's OK as long as you're doing it for entertainment."

I swear off GOOG. It lasts 70 days, and I miss the run-up past 500!

GOOG dips to 490.

Buy! Hold 44 days. Sell even!
Swear off GOOG. This time I mean it. 12 days of freedom.

These trades are getting more frequent, and now I'm under water! Recently I bought NETFLIX on a whim. Playing the stock market is madness. No one can beat the market. My super-smart boyfriend worked for a Wall Street hedge fund, and reads the news religiously. If anyone could, he could. But he only owns index funds. Am I mad? I have to stop now, before I lose it all!

I'm on the Google Roller Coaster, and I want to get off.

I will not day trade.
I will not day trade.
i will not day trade.
I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade.
I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade.
I will not day trade.

I will not day trade. I will NOT day trade! I will not day trade. I will NOT day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I won't day trade. I will not day trade. I WILL NOT day trade. I will not day trade. I won't day trade. I wno't day trade. I won't day trade. I won't DAY TRADE. I WON'T DAY TRADE! I won't day trade. I won't day trade. I will not DAY TRADE!!! I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. (32)

I will not day trade.
I will NOT day trade.
I WILL NOT day trade.

I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. No day trading!

I will not day trade, no I will not DAY TRADE. Will not day trade. Won't day trade. Won't day trade. Won't day trade. Won't day trade no more, no more. Ill not day trade. I'll not day trade. I'LL NOT DAY TRADE. (50)

I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I WILL NOT DAY TRADE. I will not day trade. No day trading! No day trading! No day trading! NO DAY TRADING! NO DAY TRADING!

I will not day trade.
i will not day trade.
I will not day trade.
I will not day trade.
I will not day trade.
I WILL NOT day trade.
I willn ot DAY TRADE.

I will not day trade. I will not day trade. I will not day trade.
I will not day trade. I WILL NOT DAY TRADE. I will not6 day trade.
I WILL NOT day trade. I WILL NOT day trade. I WILL NOT day trade.
I will not DAY TRADD! I will not DAY TRADE! I will hnot DAY TRADE!

I WILL NOT DAY TRADE. IU won't day trade. I won't day trade.
i won't day trade. I won't day trade. I won't day trade.
i won't day trade. I won't day trade. I won't day trade.
I won't day trade. I. Won't. Day. Trade.

I won't day trade. I won't day trade. I on't day trade.
I. Won't. Day. Trade. I won't day trade. Won't day trade.
I. Will. Not. Day. Trade.

(Yes, I really typed that 100 times. The hardest part was keeping count.)

March 16, 2007

Future Work.

Nicole is my new online Goddess. David reads all the stories, sans none. Fitzroy answers Wendy mail and writes HTML. And Zeebarf wants to be my artist again! Things are coming together.

Future plans: F. makes Banner Ads 120 x 7++ (book, t-shirt, post cards, philosophy forum, etc.) N contacts online Mentions of Merit in a friendly manner! D organizes Cal ART students for products: T-shirts, boxers, etc.

Unassigned: Write Darwin Awards "editorial" ala The Onion: God on "The Bible" and bitter that this Evolution Crap is taking top billing; how about, Person Pissed S/He Didn't Win a Darwin for ___." . We try to publish, newspapers. We concurrently submit to Amazon.com, ePinions, FaceBook, etc.

Unassigned: Update FaceBook page with latest newsletter. Update Daily KOS.

Unassigned: Military outlets like PX -- Medical outlets, like nurse outfit stores, but NOT "flowery hospital gift shops."

DONE: Sent Fitzroy the current set of "random banners."

TODO: Ask David about Cal Art???

TODO: Ask Nicole about YouTube from her "friend who is an expert." Talking to Tom Schneid is a good idea, too.

TODO: Ask Nicole about UrbanOutfitters -- find the main buyer!! Send freebie books, t-shirts's, whatever. Ask her to next call ThinkGeek which is a perfect fit !!!

TODO: Sit down with Fitzroy for two, three hours over email from days past.

TODO: Send Word doc to Graphic Artist (long hair, dancing woman) for postcards.

TODO: Three or four people, brainstorm UrbanOUtfitter alternatives.

Renaissance man. Entrepreneur.

Greg is looking for a job. He wants equity and the power to improve things.

He "won" with his last company! Sold it at a profit. Good CEO. Now looms "John Wayne's World," as I call J&W, who ask Greg what to pound with their mighty hardware hammer. OTOH Rich wants to give Greg consulting-$ until he starts "The Next Google." I like how Rich plans ahead, it shows uncanny good sense. And a "spin-in," Greg said, is always possible. A company can opt to create an outside research unit, which doesn't count as research in the budget. Spin-ins give a a limited downside, and good upside.

The president of his new company recently fired the president of his former company. Does this decrease, or increase, the likelihood of a spin-in? Hmmm. Who knows what comes next.

I know what I want next for Greg. Six weeks in Provance, studying in peaceful surroundings, completing works of research into dance. Renee advises increasing pbm crosslinks by requesting them! Solitude, happiness, etc.

But Greg will do what Greg will do.

March 12, 2007

Safeway Club Card

Safeway Club Card. I need one for the discounts, but I hate the idea of my every purchase being subjected to Safeway's data mining.

Jacob's first idea was to swap Safeway Club Cards with our friends. This would have worked, if I actually used the physical card. Instead, I found it was much easier to use the phone number associated with the Safeway Club Card. So Jacob suggested we register a bogus phone number, and let anyone use it. This would thwart Safeway's data mining!

The obvious phone number was 987-654-3210. Easy to remember. Hard to forget. So he registered it, successfully, and I used it for several months. So did many others, until Safeway caught on to us and cancelled the card.

Boo, Safeway!

We re-registered, and the number worked for a month. Then it was cancelled.

Boo, Safeway! We gave up. Many years passed.

Recently, I tried the number again. 987-654-3210. And it worked! As I accepted my change, the clerk said (as they do) "Thank you, Mizzzz..." He scrutinized the receipt. "Mizz Balz... onya?"

That's another rant, in and of itself. In a small store, the clerk might know your name, and thank you personally. But it's ludicrous to force the clerks of a large store to stare at the receipt and try to pronounce your name. "Mizzz... Mizzz..." I never help them, what do I care?

After I left, I looked to see who had registered this number.
Harry Balzonya.

At least the icky was discreet!