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April 22, 2007

Christmas Wrapping Paper

My family has a thing with old Christmas wrapping paper. If the piece is nice, and big, we keep it to rewrap a gift the next year. This tradition supersedes the traditional tradition of burning all the gift paper in the fireplace, which we did, despite regulations advising against. The fire hazard and inhalation risks, these were small potatoes compared to the sight of cheerful multi-colored flames bursting from the hearth.

The problem is, my family stopped swapping gifts, I guess it got to be too much hassle. We rarely exchange gifts anymore, so I have old pieces of wrapping paper, getting more and more tattered each time I move.

Today I threw out a small, tattered piece of gilt wrap.

April 20, 2007

Wendy's Emacs Rant

Emacs is a Writer's Best Friend.

I was a Word Power User.

I knew everything. I could align font sideways, search and replace hidden formatting markup, make tables & images behave. Now I use Emacs. There was a learning curve, yes. But once I knew Emacs, I never looked back. Edits are so easy in Emacs.

Forward a character, word, line, sentence. Back a character, word, line, sentence. Top of document. EOD. Narrow to region. Cut rectangle. Kill, yank back.

"Edits easy in Emacs, writer claims.",/B>

In Word, it's sooo slow. Move your mouse, scroll, mouse, click, arrow, drag, select. Everything a mouse chore, even using the keystroke menu commands.

Emacs Rocks!