"Perfect Weather Pennsic"

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Lorenzo with Mistress Judith of Northumbria,
who received her laurel in August.

Judith teaching a class.
In the first picture, I recognize the backs of Wilhelm and Dragos.
In the second picture, Judith speaks with Briar Rose.

This is the lovely, incomparable Catherine.
Shown with a chicken on her head, next to Felicity.
Ask what she did, to obtain a copy of this picture!
(I would have given it to you anyway, Catherine!)

And this is my Cat.
Laughing, lovely, silly, sweet,
dancing in my dreams.

Lynette and Darius, from Canada

Mass Scene 1 & 2

?, ?, ?, Wilhelm, Eochin, ?
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Antoine

Gwommy, Francesca, Eochin.

Lord Eochin between two Unknown Beautiful Women.

A well-dressed affianced couple.

Phillip prepares to fledge his Blue Feather Ball Class.

A great-sneer lady, fun to dance with.

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