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GRADual Change

Over the years, I've considered going back to grad school, but it seemed like so much work, and I didn’t know how to apply, and ennui always took the upper hand. So much easier to endlessly carp about my boring so-called career.

But, as long-time readers know, I met Mr. Right recently and *he* is earning his *second* PhD. And my wonderful friend Ariane is applying to several universities this month. With such excellent role models and cheerleaders, I finally got off my duff and decided to get a PhD in Molecular Biology.

Mind you, I'm not trying very hard to get into graduate school. I might apply to one university, I might apply to two. In only six short weeks, I am whipping out the applications and trolling for recommendation letters and writing a statement of intent and taking the GRE.

And unexpectedly, I am having fun! Having a goal is satisfying. Studying for the GRE is completely enjoyable. I do well on standardized tests, and I'm proud of that. I feel empathy for the smart people who don't test well, but I'm a smart people who does test well.

I am aiming high. My goal is an 800 on the verbal and a 760 on the quantitative, and of course, a top score of 6 on the writing portion.

Those who have suffered through my litany of complaints about my boring "job" should wish me luck in this "grad school" notion. If things work out, I will be able to entertain you with a whole new set of gripes.

A post would not be complete without another reference to my awesome sweetie. He sometimes signs his emails...


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