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18xx. More than a game, it’s a lifestyle.

I am telling Greg Levin so many funny old stories, I am motivated to record them.

Years ago, I was at the Portland Oregon 18xx gaming weekend with Jacob, and I was at loose ends and feeding the menfolk. I decided to drive across the Washington State Line and pick up some Thai food. Everyone placed an order. This one guy, he wanted Thai tea. “Thai Iced Tea?” “No, hot tea.” “I’ve never heard of Thai Hot Tea.” He also wanted a Thai salad. Skeptically, I added it to the order.

When I called, the Thai restaurant did not know what Thai salad was. “A green salad?” they asked. “If that is a Thai salad, OK I guess.” “Thai Iced tea?” they asked. “No, he said it was hot tea.” “Tea, hot?” “I guess.”

I told this 18xx gamer that the Thai restaurant did not really know what he was talking about. I gave him the chance to change his order, but no, he wanted Thai Tea and Thai Salad.

When I returned with many fragrantly steaming foam boxes, the menfolk fell upon them, delicious food, yum. There was plenty of food for all, and everyone was happy… except this weird gamer, who wanted Thai Tea and Thai Salad. I explained the problems, reminded him how I had attempted to clarify his order, offered him his money back, and pointed out the availability of plenty of extra food.

Yum! I said.

He was disgruntled. He wanted me to drive back to the restaurant. It was an hour, round trip, and his food was ill specified, and I would not. He even accosted me in the elevator. Eventually I had to walk away from his complaints. There was nothing more that I could do.

Later, I was trying to describe which gamer was disgruntled. This was a serious conversation, not a light one. “You know, Jacob, it was that fellow with the pale hair? A little overweight, he has a beard? The one with glasses... You know, the *balding* one!” At this point we both realized the conversation was ludicrous. But I really wanted Jacob to know who this irritating gamer was, so I persisted. “You know, you played 18xx with him yesterday! He’s a rules geek, takes forever to finish his turn? YOU KNOW! That guy in the old T-shirt.” Alas it was just not possible to describe the man in any meaningful way.

18xx. More than a game, it’s a lifestyle.

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