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On the Health of Presidents

We, the public, should have no right to pry into the medical records of candidates for public office. Yes, I am concerned about whether McCain will drop dead from melanoma and leave a vapid figurehead "running" our country. It matters which figurehead is in charge. But medical records are private. Doctor-patient confidentiality ensures privacy. Medical records are private, Period.

Take into account the health of our presidents,
if you assume that who is speaking matters much.

As an employer (of artists and students) I am not allowed to review medical records of a potential employee. A medical condition that's irrelevant to the job, for example, might be discovered that is no one's business. It does not become one's business just because the job will be an important eight-year position.

Historic delving into medical history, be damned. It is not right to delve into confidential medical information about the candidates. That one is old, and one is young, says enough about expected lifespan.

Renee: wishing she had the opportunity to run the country.

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