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Greg Continues Awesome.

How can Greg be so completely awesome? We are both flabbergasted by our stupendous luck in meeting someone so wonderful. We are a good fit, in every wind and weather.

I am reading him The 13 Clocks, featuring the Princess Saralinda whose hand is warm in every wind and weather. His friend Caitlyn also reads bedtime stories. We can share our favorite books! (Note: tell her, Bridge of Birds.)

Greg left a hair clip on the nightstand, and his cute ratty toothbrush in my bathroom. I bought 2% milk for him today, and independently, he stocked his fridge with whole milk for me. It's sudden, but it feels completely wholesome and right, to be falling in love with Greg.

I met the friends who feed my sweetie. Ian and Caitlyn are eclectic and witty and warm. When I asked for stories about Greg, Amy popped out with a shriek, "Greg is awesome! Greg will drive you to LA to see your Grandmother, and he will even eat the dumplings she forces on you." She shrieked again. "Greg will store his bike in your backyard, and let you ride it every day." Greg will take you to the airport. Greg is super nice.

Greg escorted me to an amazing aerial dance performance at a club in Santa Cruz. Then we stayed up to watch the midnight showing of Princess Mononoke. The next day, I met some fellow grad students at his advisor's BBQ. They are smart and chirpy. Greg said afterwards, "I score geek points for dating Darwin."

On Sunday, I introduced him to Kathleen and Brian, who cooked us dinner and played Acquire and plied me with wine. Everyone got along well. I loved playing Acquire again. It's so nice to have board games break out on a regular basis.

This weekend we are going to see the musical, Ragtime! with Molly et.al. I want to introduce him to my friends. I am no longer embarrassed that he resembles Greg Classic. I finally confessed to Greg that I was keeping this trivial secret from him. In an email I blurted it out. He replied, "I know. I already checked out your Pennsic 35 pictures. He's a handsome fellow."

So much for the book I planned to write, on dating! I didn't even meet enough men to write a decent magazine article.

Greg continues to be completely awesome, for me.

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